Top 10 Common Writing Mistakes to Avoid


You may be a great writer and have good experience in your field, but small common mistakes in writing can badly affect the business. So In this article, I will cover the top 10 common writing mistakes to avoid.
Writing is an art and it’s not everyone's cup of tea. You have to be cautious because the best writers can fall into the trap of committing simple mistakes.
My suggestion is to read till the end so that whenever you do writing, you don’t commit that mistake.
So let’s move to the main topic!
Here is the guide that you should keep an eye on common writing mistakes to avoid!

1. Dont write without knowing your audience

It doesn’t matter if you’re good at English or you’re the next Shakespeare, but if you’re into marketing, you should know your audience. Fare enough? Your hard work will get wasted if your article doesn’t reach your target audience.
For example: I am writing this article for content writers! But I won't get results if I target another field through paid ads.


1. You will get irrelevant clicks
2. Less traffic
3 Fewer conversions
4. Waste of time and money

2. Don’t write without a vision

While writing, you must know your vision and your intent. Every audience is different and they react to things differently. Your content should be according to them.
For example: If the content is related to serious issues you shouldn’t use humor in your content because that looks unprofessional and it may hurt the sentiments of the people.
Whereas if your content is related to tips and tricks for getting followers, you can be friendly with your audience so they don’t get bored.

3. Don’t forget a call to action

One of the main mistakes writers often make is not to put a call to action while they writing content. Without CTA, readers will be unaware of what they have to do next and they will be in a dilemma, so with this, they will go to another place to find the answers.
Whereas, If you put CTA, then it will get the desired results and you will have the marketing funnel to work on.

4. Don’t turn into a sales pitch

You have to keep in your mind that you are adding value to the customer.
Customer is here to get their problems solved through your content. With this approach, your brand value will be increased. For example, if your topic is about the best skin care products, then you have to play smartly by mentioning all the competitors who are giving this.
And to get your sales done, must mention your product a bit more but naturally so that it won't turn into a sales pitch.

5. Don’t forget to proofread

Human error is possible. Humans can commit mistakes anytime, but sometimes the mistakes can prove to be harmful.
Same as with writing, If a writer sends it to his client without checking the article once, then there's a high chance that the content may have grammatical errors or some spelling mistakes, and that will create a bad impression on your brand.

6. Spelling errors

One of the most common mistakes writers make is spelling mistake. I know they have to write long articles daily. But as a professional, you shouldn’t make this kind of mistake. Try to use software that checks the mistakes you have made.
Before publishing, make sure you check your article.

7. Don’t forget to promote your article on Social Media

You have done your best in writing the article and put all your research while creating content.
But if you forget to promote your article on Social media, then there is less chance you get the result out of it. Your article should be on social media and with this there is a high chance you get likes and comments.
In social media, there are lots of people are there, so you will get a good network, good traffic, more leads and conversions, etc.

8. Using incorrect punctuation

Using incorrect punctuation in writing is a bad thing to do. I know you are in a flow of writing and in between you’re carried away with so many basic sentences.
Make sure to put a full stop after every sentence. If a question is there then it should be ended with a question mark. A comma should be used to join two different sentences or words related to the same topic.
For example: Ram buys 3 apples, 2 mangoes, and an orange for his family.

9. Don’t do keyword stuffing

In SEO keywords play a vital role in ranking your article in the top search page rankings. But sometimes SEO professionals use too many keywords in the article and that looks fishy to the readers as well as search engines.
Using too many keywords is called keyword stuffing. As per the source you should not use more than 1 primary keyword in 1000 words.

10. Using AI for content writing

AI has solved so many problems for students, researchers, writers, ad media professionals, and many more. But sometimes going for a shortcut way may lead to so many problems.
Google has started not to rank those websites that use full AI content.
Google says that content should use E-E-A-T which means expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. In short, content must not be of robotic language and it should be a personal experience so that it is valued by the users.


How do I Stop writing mistakes?

You can this do by practicing daily by writing 1000 words related to any topic you like reading blogs and listening to podcasts. By applying this to daily life. You commit those mistakes and do wonders in a content writing career.

How much time will take it to become a good content writer?

To learn a new skill, you need to put your hands dirty for a minimum of 3 -6 months. However, if you’re good at English, you may get good clients early also. It depends on person to person.

What are the best content writing tools?

The best content writing tools are Grammarly, SEM Rush, Answer the Public, Hemingway Editor, Canva, Google Documents, Blog Ideas Generator, Evernote, AI Content Detector, ChatGPT, Jasper, etc.


We are humans and we do commit mistakes but it is important not to repeat them again and again otherwise we will be in trouble. As a writer, you have the responsibility to use your words for the brand and the goodwill of the company.
If you commit any mistake, it directly affects the company’s reputation.
I hope you don’t commit those mistakes and make sure you check your content 1-2 times before publishing.