People come to the Internet to find the solution to the question. But If I tell you not all the things that are presented in the form of blogs and articles are right. Then you might be shocked! Recently, one work that has linked with SEO updates has come into the picture: “Google SEO Updates 2024 Jackyan".You will be wondering if Google has named the new SEO update Jack Yan or anything else in the name of Jack Yan and why it has become a hot topic in the SEO community.
For all the people who are reading this article, I want you to be clear that Google SEO update 2024 Jack Yan is a Myth. Google has been transparent in its policies that it prefers E-A-T for content ranking. Google has not mentioned any updates with the name “ Jack Yan"
Who is Jack Yan?
Jackyan is a brand strategist, digital marketer and designer. He is a founder of Lucire a fashion magazine company. Additionally, he was the first digital typeface designer in New Zealand.Although he is a successful businessman in his field he has no connection with SEO. Then how his name is linked with SEO?
Where did the word “ Jackyan" Come from?
The misinformation written by many content writers in the search engines spread confusion among users. This has spread by community error as one of the people mistakenly used the word “ Jack Yan" in the blogs and in the forum section related to SEO which created a huge a huge mess.Gradually, when people used this keyword in SEO updates, then it also showed in SEMRush, AHrefs and Google keyword planner. Content writers see the opportunity that this keyword is trending and related to SEO. So many writers have started publishing and writing information about Jackyan that he has a link with SEO updates.
That shows how misinformation spreads on the internet without confirmation from verified sources.
Even jackyan itself write an article and clarify the misunderstanding of his name raelate to SEO and also mention whosoever mistakenly misunderstood the keyword and pulblish that.
However, now the question arises as a user how to know what are the points to consider which information is true.
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1. Check the source
When you’re reading an article if an article gives proper sources that is from where he obtains the information. If yes, then you should check out if it is replicated then you’re reading verified content.2. Intention
While reading, you will come to know the intention of the writer whether is to inform, sell a product or create a controversial agenda by defaming someone for the traffic.3. Check for citations and references
As I said above, the article should present all the references which he claims in his content piece. Generally, statistics or facts are taken from the source and when it comes to experience and opinion it can be different as every individual is different too.4. Check the domain and URL
Generally, good websites have a domain extension of .com,.in, .org or .co. If you find other than these extensions then make sure you are cautious of unofficial sites with unusual extensions like e.g., info or xyz.5. Quality content
As a reader, while reading you can easily know if the content is of good quality or if it has grammatical errors. I know humans can commit mistakes while writing but generally, good websites don’t make that kind of mistake. So if you find any error, make sure you check the same content on other websites too.Conclusion
The term “Google SEO Updates 2024 Jackyan" is a prime example of how misinformation can viral out of control on the internet.This is not only for the users but also for a content writer who can commit mistakes while taking information from unverified sources and that is how confusion begins on that particular keyword.
Let this incident serve as a reminder to approach online content with an eye-opener. The next time you encounter a trending term like “Jack Yan," remember to dig deeper before jumping to conclusions.